

Animals and housing: elected representatives must hear from you!  

Please take 2 minutes right here and now to call your MNA.  
This small action today can have a big impact on access to housing for all people with companion animals.  
Please have your phone ready, it will ring! 

One click puts you in touch with your MNA’s constituency office or answering machine.  

Here’s a quick reminder for your conversation   
or to guide the message you will leave on the answering machine:  

Hello, my name is ______________ and I live in the constituency you represent. I’m calling today to ask you to support Bill 494, which aims to abolish clauses prohibiting companion animals in dwellings.  

This is a very important issue for me because: (choose which applies) 

  • I am personally affected by this issue. 
  • More than half of Quebec families have a dog or cat. 
  • Finding an affordable home where animals are welcome is proving extremely difficult. 
  • The situation disproportionately affects low-income families.  
  • It’s a question of social justice. 
  • Animal guardians who love and care for their animals are forced to give them up because they can’t find a place to live. 
  • This is one of the main causes of animal abandonment. 
  • No-pet clauses have been abolished in France and Ontario. 
  • The government still hasn’t called Bill 494, even though a petition with over 33,000 signatures has been submitted to the National Assembly. 

Please support Bill 494 and discuss this issue at the National Assembly. I’m counting on your support.